It is easy to focus on what happened, what we didn’t get, how bad it was.
It is easy to keep your eyes fixed on the past, after all it is the easy route. Just reliving an unchanging past, no matter how bad is easier than facing an uncertain future.
But our challenge, or commission, or destiny lies ahead. Lies in the untold minutes, hours, and years that lay before.
Simply by fixing your eyes forward you will find that you thought was taken from you in your past was merely preparing you for the blessings of your future.
Everything I thought was robbed from me as a child, the absence of my Father, my Mother’s illness, the bullying and abuse were bad, yes they hurt…..but dwelling on them only slowed me down, only served to keep my focus behind me. Your past good or bad is just that, the past. The childhood I though I lost, has been given back to me three times over, through the eyes of my Sons, simply by God’s grace and fixing my eyes forward.
Eyes forward, smiles on, blessings on the horizon.
Joshua Page,