A few years ago my Jiu-Jitsu instructor started teaching me about the importance of connection in jiu-jitsu.
The concept radically transformed the effectiveness of my jiu jitsu, and took away some of my fear and doubt, removed the struggle, and sense of hopelessness that was clouding my performance against stronger and more skilled opponents.
Connection theory in its essence is all about removing unnecessary motions, slowing down and simply breathing, stopping to feel where my opponent is letting me go rather than forcing him where I think he should be. It is about letting my opponent choose how they will be defeated, rather than imposing my preconceived agenda.
Connection theory however, is not all about combat, and self defense. It’s concepts can be applied in our daily lives to keep us connected on a deeper and more meaningful level in all of our relationships. For myself in particular it has been key in developing and deepening my faith.
So very often we feel disconnected from our faith, from purpose, from the love and grace of a loving God. However whenever we remove our distractions, remove our self doubts and really connect, when we stop trying to force things to happen. We slow down enough to feel God’s loving hands on our heart, we clear our minds of all the background noise enough to hear the whisper of his voice, we become still enough to respond to his gentle guidance, to feel and gain insight into our purpose.
When we become connected time slows down, we remind our selves to simply breathe, to become one with the moment and let that connection determine our purpose for action, or inaction, to let it guide us, and not our preconceived notions or desires.
It reminds us that God is always connected to us, always has us first on his agenda, has our best interest at heart, and wants us to have the very best……..and all we have to do to recieve all of those things is to simply be connected.
Joshua Page, http://www.hickorymartialarts.com